

From textural grasscloths to hand painted papers and vivid digital prints, Studio Four has extensive options for your walls.

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Fabric in a playful snake, plant and moon print in jewel tones with rhinestone accents on a tan field.
Detail of fabric in a playful snake, plant and moon print in jewel tones with rhinestone accents on a tan field.
Detail of fabric in a playful snake, plant and moon print in jewel tones with rhinestone accents on a tan field.
Fabric in a playful snake, plant and moon print in jewel tones on a tan field.
Detail of fabric in a playful snake, plant and moon print in jewel tones on a tan field.
Detail of fabric in a playful snake, plant and moon print in jewel tones on a tan field.
Wallpaper in a lion and plant print in brown on a white field.
Detail of wallpaper in a lion and plant print in brown on a white field with  wooden table and ceramic vessels.
Detail of wallpaper in a lion and plant print in brown on a white field with  wooden table and ceramic vessels.
Wallpaper detail in a tossed floral pattern with striped accents in teal and pale green on a navy blue field.
Wallpaper detail in a tossed floral pattern with striped accents in teal and pale green on a navy blue field.
Wallpaper detail in a tossed floral pattern with striped accents in teal and pale green on a navy blue field.
Wallpaper in a tossed floral pattern with striped accents in blue and taupe on white.
Wallpaper detail in a tossed floral pattern with striped accents in blue and taupe on white.
Wallpaper detail in a tossed floral pattern with striped accents in blue and taupe on white.
Wallpaper in a vintage inspired floral stripe in green on a cream field.
Wallpaper detail in a vintage inspired floral stripe in green on a cream field.
Wallpaper detail in a vintage inspired floral stripe in green on a cream field.
Wallpaper in a vintage inspired floral stripe in yellow, orange and green on a white field.
Wallpaper detail in a vintage inspired floral stripe in yellow, orange and green on a white field.
Wallpaper detail in a vintage inspired floral stripe in yellow, orange and green on a white field.
Wallpaper in a vintage inspired floral stripe in pink on a cream field.
Wallpaper detail in a vintage inspired floral stripe in pink on a cream field.
Wallpaper detail in a vintage inspired floral stripe in pink on a cream field.
Wallpaper in a vintage inspired floral stripe in cream on a cadet blue field.
Wallpaper detail in a vintage inspired floral stripe in cream on a cadet blue field.
Wallpaper detail in a vintage inspired floral stripe in cream on a cadet blue field.
Wallpaper in a vintage inspired floral stripe in blue and green on a cream field.
Wallpaper detail in a vintage inspired floral stripe in blue and green on a cream field.
Wallpaper detail in a vintage inspired floral stripe in blue and green on a cream field.
Wallpaper in a whimsical birdhouse design with foliage in white on a tan ground.
Wallpaper detail in a whimsical birdhouse design with foliage in white on a tan ground.
Wallpaper detail in a whimsical birdhouse design with foliage in white on a tan ground.
Wallpaper in a whimsical birdhouse design with foliage in white on an ecru ground.
Wallpaper detail in a whimsical birdhouse design with foliage in white on an ecru ground.
Wallpaper detail in a whimsical birdhouse design with foliage in white on an ecru ground.
Wallpaper in an ornate scrolling floral design in orange and red and green on a white field.
Wallpaper in an ornate scrolling floral design in orange and red and green on a white field.
Wallpaper in an ornate scrolling floral design in orange and red and green on a white field.
Wallpaper in an ornate scrolling floral design in shades of blue and green on a white field.
Wallpaper in an ornate scrolling floral design in shades of blue and green on a white field.
Wallpaper in an ornate scrolling floral design in shades of blue and green on a white field.
Wallpaper in a decorative dotted stripe and  stripe of leaves and flower buds in navy on cream.
Wallpaper detail in a decorative dotted stripe and  stripe of leaves and flower buds in navy on cream.
Wallpaper detail in a decorative dotted stripe and  stripe of leaves and flower buds in navy on cream.
Wallpaper in a decorative dotted stripe and stripe of leaves and flower buds in taupe on cream.
Wallpaper detail in a decorative dotted stripe and stripe of leaves and flower buds in taupe on cream.
Wallpaper detail in a decorative dotted stripe and stripe of leaves and flower buds in taupe on cream.
Fabric in a decorative dotted stripe and  stripe of leaves and flower buds in blue in a cream ground.
Fabric in a decorative dotted stripe and  stripe of leaves and flower buds in blue in a cream ground.
Fabric in a decorative dotted stripe and  stripe of leaves and flower buds in blue in a cream ground.
Wallpaper in a lyrical wildflower design in cream with blue accents on a tan field.
Table with decorative lamp against wallpaper in a lyrical wildflower design in cream with blue accents on a tan field.
Table with decorative lamp against wallpaper in a lyrical wildflower design in cream with blue accents on a tan field.
Printed linen in a wavy floral stripe design in green on white.
Wallpaper in a wavy floral stripe design in white on green
Wallpaper in a wavy floral stripe design in white on green
Printed linen in an arts and crafts style floral pattern in pink and green on white.
Upholstered side chair and wallpaper in matching pink and green floral pattern along side a rattan table with drawers.
Upholstered side chair and wallpaper in matching pink and green floral pattern along side a rattan table with drawers.
Wallpaper in a scrolling floral pattern in blue and green on a pink field.
Red vase and flowers against wallpaper in a scrolling floral pattern in blue and green on a pink field.
Red vase and flowers against wallpaper in a scrolling floral pattern in blue and green on a pink field.
Wallpaper in a scrolling floral pattern in blue and green on a cream field.
Wallpaper in a scrolling floral pattern in blue and green on a cream field surrounding a brick fireplace with a white bookshelf.
Wallpaper in a scrolling floral pattern in blue and green on a cream field surrounding a brick fireplace with a white bookshelf.
Wallpaper in a handdrawn playful floral design in red, yellow, green and blue on a light blue field.
Curtain and wallpaper in matching handdrawn playful floral design in red, yellow, green and blue on a light blue field.
Curtain and wallpaper in matching handdrawn playful floral design in red, yellow, green and blue on a light blue field.
Wallpaper detail in an watercolor palm frond pattern in shades of teal and green.
Wallpaper roll in an watercolor palm frond pattern in shades of teal and green.
Wallpaper roll in an watercolor palm frond pattern in shades of teal and green.
Wallpaper detail in an watercolor palm frond pattern in shades of dark blue.
Built in white book case styled with books and props against a blue watercolor palm wallpaper at the back wall.
Built in white book case styled with books and props against a blue watercolor palm wallpaper at the back wall.
Wallpaper detail in an watercolor palm frond pattern in shades of beige and tan.
Wallpaper roll in an watercolor palm frond pattern in shades of beige and tan.
Wallpaper roll in an watercolor palm frond pattern in shades of beige and tan.
Wallpaper detail in an watercolor palm frond pattern in shades of grey.
Wallpaper roll in an watercolor palm frond pattern in shades of grey.
Wallpaper roll in an watercolor palm frond pattern in shades of grey.
Wallpaper detail in an watercolor oceanic fish pattern in warm tan.
Wallpaper roll in an watercolor oceanic fish pattern in warm tan.
Wallpaper roll in an watercolor oceanic fish pattern in warm tan.
Wallpaper detail in an watercolor oceanic fish pattern in navy blue.
Wallpaper roll in an watercolor oceanic fish pattern in warm tan. n an watercolor oceanic fish pattern in navy blue.
Wallpaper roll in an watercolor oceanic fish pattern in warm tan. n an watercolor oceanic fish pattern in navy blue.
Wallpaper detail in an watercolor oceanic fish pattern in warm clay red.
Wallpaper roll in an watercolor oceanic fish pattern in warm clay red.
Wallpaper roll in an watercolor oceanic fish pattern in warm clay red.
Wallpaper detail in an watercolor oceanic fish pattern light purple.
Wallpaper roll in an watercolor oceanic fish pattern light purple.
Wallpaper roll in an watercolor oceanic fish pattern light purple.
Wallpaper detail in an watercolor oceanic fish pattern in warm taupe.
Wallpaper roll in an watercolor oceanic fish pattern in warm taupe.
Wallpaper roll in an watercolor oceanic fish pattern in warm taupe.
Wallpaper detail in a geometric puzzle piece watercolor pattern in sage green, grey ad brown.
Stone staircase down to a landing with chair and built in book case surrounded by green abstract puzzle wallpaper.
Stone staircase down to a landing with chair and built in book case surrounded by green abstract puzzle wallpaper.
Wallpaper detail in a geometric puzzle piece watercolor pattern in pastel pink.
Wallpaper roll in a geometric puzzle piece watercolor pattern in pastel pink.
Wallpaper roll in a geometric puzzle piece watercolor pattern in pastel pink.
Wallpaper detail in a geometric puzzle piece watercolor pattern in beige and grey.
Wallpaper roll in a geometric puzzle piece watercolor pattern in beige and grey.
Wallpaper roll in a geometric puzzle piece watercolor pattern in beige and grey.
Wallpaper detail in a geometric puzzle piece watercolor pattern in brown and charcoal.
Living room scene with black leather couch, bird painting, wooden table and cieling lamp against a brown watercolor puzzle wallpaper.
Living room scene with black leather couch, bird painting, wooden table and cieling lamp against a brown watercolor puzzle wallpaper.
Wallpaper detail in a geometric puzzle piece watercolor pattern in blush, grey and teal.
Brown fluted leather couch and vintage coffee table and paper lattern lamp against a geometric puzzle wallpaper in blush, grey and teal.
Brown fluted leather couch and vintage coffee table and paper lattern lamp against a geometric puzzle wallpaper in blush, grey and teal.
Wallpaper detail in an undulating abstract watercolor motif in sage green, grey and brown.
Wallpaper roll in an undulating abstract watercolor motif in sage green, grey and brown.
Wallpaper roll in an undulating abstract watercolor motif in sage green, grey and brown.
Wallpaper detail in an undulating abstract watercolor motif in pink, purple, tan and charcoal.
Retro living room scene against an undulating abstract watercolor motif in pink, purple, tan and charcoal.
Retro living room scene against an undulating abstract watercolor motif in pink, purple, tan and charcoal.
Wallpaper detail in an undulating abstract watercolor motif in purple, tan, blue and charcoal.
Retro living room scene with wallpaper in an undulating abstract watercolor motif in purple, tan, blue and charcoal.
Retro living room scene with wallpaper in an undulating abstract watercolor motif in purple, tan, blue and charcoal.
Wallpaper detail in an undulating abstract watercolor motif in light purple, blush, rust and charcoal.
Living room scene with orange retro furniture, potted plant and abstract painting against wallpaper in an undulating abstract watercolor motif in light purple, blush, rust and charcoal.
Living room scene with orange retro furniture, potted plant and abstract painting against wallpaper in an undulating abstract watercolor motif in light purple, blush, rust and charcoal.
Wallpaper detail in an undulating abstract watercolor motif in shades of steel blue and charcoal.
Retro couch in mottled brown with a potted plant against wallpaper in  an undulating abstract watercolor motif in shades of steel blue and charcoal.
Retro couch in mottled brown with a potted plant against wallpaper in  an undulating abstract watercolor motif in shades of steel blue and charcoal.
Wallpaper detail in an undulating abstract watercolor motif in pink, orange and grey.
Bedroom scene with wooden furniture against a wallper in an undulating abstract watercolor motif in pink, orange and grey.
Bedroom scene with wooden furniture against a wallper in an undulating abstract watercolor motif in pink, orange and grey.
Wallpaper detail in abstract floral bushstroke design in sage green, lilac and blue.
Modernist living room scene with low couch, marble coffee table and mirror against abstract floral wallpaper.
Modernist living room scene with low couch, marble coffee table and mirror against abstract floral wallpaper.
Wallpaper detail in abstract floral bushstroke design in warm beige.
Sculptural wooden table and chairs against wallpaper in abstract floral bushstroke design in warm beige.
Sculptural wooden table and chairs against wallpaper in abstract floral bushstroke design in warm beige.
Wallpaper detail in abstract floral bushstroke design in soft slate blue.
Retro orange leather couch against wallpaper in abstract floral bushstroke design in soft slate blue.
Retro orange leather couch against wallpaper in abstract floral bushstroke design in soft slate blue.
Wallpaper detail in abstract floral bushstroke design in soft brown with grey.
Wallpaper roll in abstract floral bushstroke design in soft brown with grey.
Wallpaper roll in abstract floral bushstroke design in soft brown with grey.
Wallpaper detail in abstract floral bushstroke design in warm brown with teal.
Interior hallway with low table and lamp with wallpaper in warm brown with teal abstract pattern.
Interior hallway with low table and lamp with wallpaper in warm brown with teal abstract pattern.
Wallpaper detail in abstract brushstroke design in shades of teal, rust brown and black accents.
Wooden bench against wallpaper in abstract brushstroke design in shades of teal, rust brown and black accents.
Wooden bench against wallpaper in abstract brushstroke design in shades of teal, rust brown and black accents.
Wallpaper detail in abstract brushstroke design in shades of pink, turquoise, green, blue, yellow and black accents.
Wallpaper roll in abstract brushstroke design in shades of pink, turquoise, green, blue, yellow and black accents.
Wallpaper roll in abstract brushstroke design in shades of pink, turquoise, green, blue, yellow and black accents.
Wallpaper detail in abstract brushstroke design in shades of purple and black accents.
White couch and marble side table against wallpaper in abstract brushstroke design in shades of purple and black accents.
White couch and marble side table against wallpaper in abstract brushstroke design in shades of purple and black accents.
Wallpaper detail in abstract brushstroke design in shades of blue, aqua and black accents.
Wallpaper roll in abstract brushstroke design in shades of blue, aqua and black accents.
Wallpaper roll in abstract brushstroke design in shades of blue, aqua and black accents.
Wallpaper detail in abstract brushstroke design in shades of grey, tan and blush accents.
Wallpaper roll in abstract brushstroke design in shades of grey, tan and blush accents.
Wallpaper roll in abstract brushstroke design in shades of grey, tan and blush accents.
Wallpaper detail in abstract brushstroke design in shades of rust, tan and black accents.
Brunette woman styles glasses on a bar cart against wallpaper in abstract brushstroke design in shades of rust, tan and black accents.
Brunette woman styles glasses on a bar cart against wallpaper in abstract brushstroke design in shades of rust, tan and black accents.
Detail of wallpaper in a painterly tree print in blue, gray and tan on a white field.
Wooden credenza with paper lantern and props against in a painterly tree print in blue and grey.
Wooden credenza with paper lantern and props against in a painterly tree print in blue and grey.
Detail of wallpaper in a painterly tree print in gray and tan on a white field.
White fireplace hearth surrounded by in a painterly tree print in gray and tan, along side a chocolate lab.
White fireplace hearth surrounded by in a painterly tree print in gray and tan, along side a chocolate lab.
Detail of wallpaper in a painterly tree print in gray and charcoal on a white field.
Airy living room scene with modern furniture with wallpaper a in a painterly tree print in gray.
Airy living room scene with modern furniture with wallpaper a in a painterly tree print in gray.
Detail of wallpaper in a painterly tree print in gray and tan on a turquoise field.
Kitchen scene with a wooden butcher block against wallpaper in a painterly tree print in gray and tan on a turquoise field.
Kitchen scene with a wooden butcher block against wallpaper in a painterly tree print in gray and tan on a turquoise field.
Detail of wallpaper in a painterly tree print in light turquoise and gray on a coral field.
Dining room scene with ornate fringed mirror against painterly tree print wallpaper in turquoise, grey and coral.
Dining room scene with ornate fringed mirror against painterly tree print wallpaper in turquoise, grey and coral.
Detail of wallpaper in a painterly tree print in light pink and purple on a cream field.
Wallpaper light purple painterly tree pattern framed by wooden chair, side table with flowers and an oil painting.
Wallpaper light purple painterly tree pattern framed by wooden chair, side table with flowers and an oil painting.
Wallpaper detail in a watercolor branch and floral pattern in teal green on a white field.
Wallpaper roll in a watercolor branch and floral pattern in teal green on a white field.
Wallpaper roll in a watercolor branch and floral pattern in teal green on a white field.
Wallpaper detail in a watercolor branch and floral pattern in grey and blue on a taupe muted taupe field.
Wallpaper roll in a watercolor branch and floral pattern in grey and blue on a taupe muted taupe field.
Wallpaper roll in a watercolor branch and floral pattern in grey and blue on a taupe muted taupe field.
Wallpaper detail in a watercolor branch and floral pattern in shades of blue on a white field.
Preppy white bedroom scene against wallpaper in watercolor branch and floral pattern in shades of blue on a white field.
Preppy white bedroom scene against wallpaper in watercolor branch and floral pattern in shades of blue on a white field.
Wallpaper detail in a watercolor branch and floral pattern in beige on a white field.
Wallpaper roll in a watercolor branch and floral pattern in beige on a white field.
Wallpaper roll in a watercolor branch and floral pattern in beige on a white field.
Wallpaper detail in a watercolor branch and floral pattern in soft grey on a white field
Wallpaper roll in a watercolor branch and floral pattern in soft grey on a white field
Wallpaper roll in a watercolor branch and floral pattern in soft grey on a white field
Mural wallpaper detail in an abstract textural watercolor design in warm beige.
Playful monkey console table against warm sand watercolor mural.
Playful monkey console table against warm sand watercolor mural.
Mural wallpaper detail in an abstract textural watercolor design in pale grey blue.
Mural wallpaper roll in an abstract textural watercolor design in pale grey blue.
Mural wallpaper roll in an abstract textural watercolor design in pale grey blue.
Mural wallpaper detail in an abstract textural watercolor design in blue with taupe.
Living room scene against  against cool blue watercolor mural wallpaper.
Living room scene against  against cool blue watercolor mural wallpaper.
Mural wallpaper detail in an abstract textural watercolor design in taupe.
Striped couch, floor lamp and wooden coffee table against warm taupe watercolor mural wallpaper.
Striped couch, floor lamp and wooden coffee table against warm taupe watercolor mural wallpaper.
Wallpaper detail in a layered squiggle watercolor pattern in shades of muted teal.
Vintage living room with striped couch and glass sconces against textural watercolor in muted teal.
Vintage living room with striped couch and glass sconces against textural watercolor in muted teal.
Wallpaper detail in a layered squiggle watercolor pattern in shades of pastel pink.
Arched hallway with terrazzo floors fully wallpapered in a texutral watercolor pattern in pastel pink.
Arched hallway with terrazzo floors fully wallpapered in a texutral watercolor pattern in pastel pink.
Wallpaper detail in a layered squiggle watercolor pattern in shades of grey and warn tan.
Modernist living room with beige leather couch, steel table and framed art against textural taupe watercolor wallpaper.
Modernist living room with beige leather couch, steel table and framed art against textural taupe watercolor wallpaper.
Draped fabric in a layered squiggle watercolor pattern in shades of steel blue.
Dramatic tableau with white side chairs, sculptural pedestal table and glass pendant lamps surrounded by textural steel blue watercolor wallpaper.
Dramatic tableau with white side chairs, sculptural pedestal table and glass pendant lamps surrounded by textural steel blue watercolor wallpaper.
Draped fabric in a layered squiggle watercolor pattern in shades of brown
Draped fabric in a layered squiggle watercolor pattern in shades of brown
Draped fabric in a layered squiggle watercolor pattern in shades of brown
Detail of wallpaper in a watercolor linear scallop pattern in green on a sage field.
Sophisticated living room scene with sculptural tan couch, black coffee table and floor lamp against a scalloped wallpaper.
Sophisticated living room scene with sculptural tan couch, black coffee table and floor lamp against a scalloped wallpaper.
Detail of wallpaper in a watercolor linear scallop pattern in purple on a lilac field.
Wallpaper roll in a watercolor linear scallop pattern in purple on a lilac field.
Wallpaper roll in a watercolor linear scallop pattern in purple on a lilac field.
Detail of wallpaper in a watercolor linear scallop pattern in navy on a cream field.
Wallpaper roll in a watercolor linear scallop pattern in navy on a cream field.
Wallpaper roll in a watercolor linear scallop pattern in navy on a cream field.
Wallpaper detail in an underwater sealife scene in shades of taupe, blush and grey.
Wallpaper roll in an underwater sealife scene in shades of taupe, blush and grey.
Wallpaper roll in an underwater sealife scene in shades of taupe, blush and grey.
Wallpaper detail in an underwater sealife scene in shades of sage green with coral accents.
Wallpaper roll in an underwater sealife scene in shades of sage green with coral accents.
Wallpaper roll in an underwater sealife scene in shades of sage green with coral accents.
Wallpaper detail in an underwater sealife scene in shades of blues with red accents.
Wallpaper roll in an underwater sealife scene in shades of blues with red accents.
Wallpaper roll in an underwater sealife scene in shades of blues with red accents.
Wallpaper detail in an underwater sealife scene in shades of mauve, grey and turquoise.
Wallpaper roll in an underwater sealife scene in shades of mauve, grey and turquoise.
Wallpaper roll in an underwater sealife scene in shades of mauve, grey and turquoise.
Detail of wallpaper in watercolor elongated pill pattern in moody blues and taupe on a white field.
Wallpaper roll in watercolor elongated pill pattern in moody blues and taupe on a white field.
Wallpaper roll in watercolor elongated pill pattern in moody blues and taupe on a white field.
Detail of wallpaper in watercolor elongated pill pattern in moody purple on a white field.
Home office wallpapered in watercolor elongated pill pattern in moody purple on a white field with a sculptural red metal desk.
Home office wallpapered in watercolor elongated pill pattern in moody purple on a white field with a sculptural red metal desk.
Detail of wallpaper in watercolor elongated pill pattern in soft purple, tan and teal on a white field.
Interior with a sculputral console table against wallaper 'in watercolor elongated pill pattern in soft purple, tan and teal on a white field.
Interior with a sculputral console table against wallaper 'in watercolor elongated pill pattern in soft purple, tan and teal on a white field.
Wallpaper detail of an ethereal watercolor mural in shades of blue and grey.
Wallpaper roll of an ethereal watercolor mural in shades of blue and grey.
Wallpaper roll of an ethereal watercolor mural in shades of blue and grey.
Wallpaper detail of an ethereal watercolor mural in pastel shades of blush pink, yellow, aqua and grey.
Living room with modernist couch and lamp against ethereal watercolor mural in blush pink, yellow, aqua and grey.
Living room with modernist couch and lamp against ethereal watercolor mural in blush pink, yellow, aqua and grey.